Powerful Enough!

It’s well known, the sun is powerful; bright enough to lighten the day even through cloud cover, able to increase the earth’s temperature, enough energy for plants to capture it and grow, so bright it’s impossible to look at with the naked eye.  One, even more powerful arrived during the eclipse.  “The sun, more powerful than I thought, just a sliver can maintain the same afternoon brightness, up until the exact moment of totality.” (Gradual, Stunning, Surprise)  One brightness level; no fading, no dimming allowed, always on no matter if that brightness is seen or not.  I try to be powerful; reaching through life’s clouds, letting off steam so my life doesn’t overheat, making sure my life never stop growing or producing fruit.  Shine bright?  Nah, no need for special glasses, unless they’re the kind that let others see and take notice; important, but not more important than shining simply for the sake of shining.  However my life shines, it would be wonderful if there was no fading, no dimming, which isn’t always the case, but I have at least managed a sliver and maintained always on.  It requires supporting my internal power company, through power lines of hope, love, friendships.  Powerful enough!

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