Which Supply Closet?

Why do people keep going?  They have something to hold onto. (The Return of the King)  I pictured  myself on a ledge – sheer rock above and below.  I could succumb to the gravity of the situation and let gravity send me to the bottom, or I could wait (for what I’m not sure), or reach for the rope and start climbing.  There’s all kinds of stuff actively trying to pull me backwards, like past experiences and despair.  There’s  motivation to push forward, if I can find some in the “short supply” closet.  Shear determination can push me forward, but it’s exhausting to keep going dragging whatever pile of crap is trying to stop me.  So it’s up to me to finds something to hold onto, like partial success or help from others – tangible proof, enough to increase the odds.  I can also hold onto intangible hope, without a speck of proof, but I need to do more than just hold on, just maintain my position.  To do that I’ll have to accept the worst that can happen.  Even if the answer is, it never ends, forward I must go, because that’s where every little joy is sprinkled throughout every day from joy’s “abundant supply” closet.

The intro to this post on Twitter: Moving forward is a two step process; find something to hold onto and then use it to move through whatever tomorrow holds and to the little everyday wonderful that awaits you.

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