Dull or Shine?

Lots of things become dull over time, things like silver and copper, and when they do, I pull out the polish to rub off the dull.  When life grows dull, where’s the polish?  Paying for a shoe shine is a thing, so is paying for life shine – personal chef and trainer for figures to shine, a beautician for faces and hair to shine, a doggie poop removal service and landscaper for lawns to shine – periodic, skin-deep maintenance.  How about, when living grows dull, where’s the polish?  Living, as in relationships, experiences, work, favorite things to do.  The tendency is to replace with something new – much easier than figuring out what’s messing with the shine, find the right polish, and apply elbow grease.  My marriage was a mixture of shiny and dull.  Never found myself a new husband, but didn’t make the effort to shine up the dull pieces either, letting dull linger, which does take effort in the form of letting the dull irritate and frustrate, but never motivate me to bring back the shine.  One issue with shine is its ability to generate my reflection.  Look close enough and maybe I’ll see, the dull that’s rubbed off on me!

2 thoughts on “Dull or Shine?

  1. I have found inspiration and solace in many of your posts. This one resonates beyond all others. Your language and imagery are poetic as ever, and then the notion of being reflected in someone’s shine … my hand went right to my heart. That is it. The symmetry of true love’s glow.


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