Upon Arrival

I thought more about being blown over by the winds of life, and my most common reactions.  For a gale, it’s the question– are you kidding me?  After this “without thought” acknowledgement of a gale the other day I asked myself, why are you still asking?  Stuff like this happens to you all the time.  Maybe it’s time to reply with a challenge – is that all you’ve got?  Maybe go as far as, go ahead, “hit me with your best shot.”.  A couple of things could happen – challenge accepted and hurricane season arrives, or an indication of “sure, whatever” and let it pass unnoticed.  I like Door #2.  My common response for beautiful, is also a question – was that the wind?  Questioning its arrival, shaming myself for not paying attention, but never acknowledging the shame.  Stuff like this happens to you all the time, but quick to fade away unnoticed.  Maybe it’s time to challenge myself.  Maybe I can start expecting beautifuls to arrive, make them stay a while, show them the respect they deserve?  Maybe I can stop being surprised when gales arrive, stop letting them stay a while, showing them the door and the disrespect they deserve?  Maybe.

Intro to the blog on Twitter: Why is it so easy to acknowledge life’s gales with anger and let life’s beautifuls pass by without a thank you?

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