Over, Not Away

What happened, what’s happening, can be like being blown over by the wind; beautiful and refreshing, or gale force, bent on difficult disruption.  Both swirl particles of consequences around me and feelings I breathe in, affecting both me and my world.  The beautifuls never seem to last long enough.  Why is that?  Because lots come along in “shot glass” size; just enough for a swallow?  Because they come with a single glue stick?  Because how far over depends on being noticed, and I tend to be somewhat oblivious?  I have none that continue to blow me over.  Blown over by beautiful?  I should be disappointed it’s not blown away.  The gales always seem to last too long.  Why is that?  Because they can be “tanker truck” size, enough for me to drown, keep drowning?  Because they come with a life-time supply of “gorilla glue”?  Because how far over is a given, so is being noticed?  I have two that continue to blow me over.  Blown over by difficult?  Thankful it’s not blown away.  Blown over once or many times, remember, there’s less wind resistance after landing – so make use of that time to figure out how to stand back up.

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