Carry Me

“I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you.” (The Return of the King)  How many times have I tried to do both – carry it and you?  Too many, but until recently whatever “it” was, resolved itself before “no longer sustainable” arrived.  My most recent attempt ended after I admitted the first part – I can’t carry it – along with I can’t carry you either.  Those who support me can’t carry it either, can’t carry it for me, but they can carry me – although I didn’t see it as such.  “It” is now no longer a topic, asking instead to talk about anything but.  Life can be heavy at times, it can also be light, which is where I needed to spend time; to purposely engage with normal, to recall the stuff that’s not funny at the time and laugh, providing a well-needed diversion by digging out the wonderful pieces of reality that me, on my own, rarely bother to appreciate.  All of that simply said with, I asked them to carry me.  Carry, means holding something while in motion.  Not just pick me up and hold me, but take me somewhere.  To where, how far, how long?  Thankfully, never been asked those questions!

Intro to this post on Twitter: We all need support at some point in our lives. Maybe not for whatever it is I’m dealing with, but me, carry me somewhere else, just for a bit, to help me remember life isn’t always so hard.

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